
Are you paying too much National Insurance?

10 TAX PLANNING TIPS TO RECOVER OVER £5000 PLUS INTEREST OF OVERPAID NI CONTRIBUTION. 1.For the tax year 2015/16 and beyond, National Insurance (NI) for the self-employed is all incorporated into the tax return and the tax calculation. 2.Prior to that there was a two-step process, whereby class 2 self-employed...

Helping you spend less time with your books.

We make sure the information we produce for you is accurate and reliable. In-house or Outsource Bookkeeping Presson accountancy services... Whether you want to outsource your bookkeeping or do it in-house, we can help you. Drop off your invoices and bank statements.We can do all the processing for you...OR We...

Clients are up and running in less than 24 hours!

A fully managed Payroll Bureau & Auto Enrolment Service. Efficient Payroll & Auto Enrolment Delivering tailored accurate and reliable solutions We can get our clients up and running in less than 24 hours! The Key Benefits:•Frees up your time and resources•Payslips are sent direct to your employees•Auto Enrolment & Pension...

Turn your R&D spend into cash

Are you researching or developing a new product, process or service, or improving an existing one? Research and Development. What is it ? The term R&D conjures up images of scientists in a lab, but it's so much more than this... The government is rewarding companies in any sector who...

Exit, Incorporation and Remuneration Planning

Whatever you are planning for your business, we can help you to save money. Tax Efficient Planning Helping businesses save money Whatever your sector, or size, our specialist tax experts are on-hand to guide you through the most tax-efficient way to save money. We take a personalised approach to every...

Worried about paying too much tax ?